
Showing posts from April, 2023

Time to activate with internet money

 Its a long time since my last blog post about anything, but this will change. At the moment I write my thesis work and soon my I should graduate from university. Now I have more time to focus on these online projects what I left behind. Im still really deep in investing but nowadays I have moved to more safetier and reliable platforms like dividend investing and less into cryptos. I still have Binance staking going strong and also Pancaceswap 1 year contract and I will open those later.  Lets check hows my DRIP plan is going these days. There is a lot of changes and you should forget all the later updates.  There is my next three months from my more riskier Degiro account. I will release stock symbols later.  This another three months is from my main account. It's doing really strong and growing steadily.  I hope I can keep this blog updated more regularly in the future.  XOXO Esir

Time to activate with internet money

 Its a long time since my last blog post about anything, but this will change. At the moment I write my thesis work and soon my I should graduate from university. Now I have more time to focus on these online projects what I left behind. Im still really deep in investing but nowadays I have moved to more safetier and reliable platforms like dividend investing and less into cryptos. I still have Binance staking going strong and also Pancaceswap 1 year contract and I will open those later.  Lets check hows my DRIP plan is going these days. There is a lot of changes and you should forget all the later updates.  There is my next three months from my more riskier Degiro account. I will release stock symbols later.  This another three months is from my main account. It's doing really strong and growing steadily.  I hope I can keep this blog updated more regularly in the future.  XOXO Esir